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SAENA is the first and the only SAE International SECTION in Italy.

It is a growing Group with more than 600 members founded by Felice E. Corcione and inaugurated in December 2000 by Rodica Baranescu.

SAENA has a Governing Board with representatives from Universities of Bologna, Roma, Parma, Napoli, Lecce, Salerno from Politecnico of Milano and Politecnico of Torino. The Istituto Motori of the National Research Council is the main sponsor because it offers the administrative support and the location.

SAENA Policies and Strategies

The SAENA aims at stimulating the technological and scientific progress in the fields of land, sea and airspace transportation.


The main tasks are the following:

Activities for the professional development
Technical meetings
Educational seminaries

Tours in research development divisions of industries and in research centers

Special activities with engineering schools

Electronic communications


Moreover SAENA:

Informs eligible engineers about the benefits of SAE membership

Encourages individuals who wish to become SAE members

Cooperates with engineering schools to provide a link between education and industry

Encourages members to participate in local and international activities

Identifies, encourages and trains the members for leadership roles within the section and in the SAE international.

This allows to provide continuity and long term growth of SAENA.

Provides networking opportunities for its members.



2005-2006 SILVER AWARD

2006-2007 SILVER AWARD

2008-2009 BRONZE AWARD

2016-2017 BRONZE AWARD

2018-2019 SILVER AWARD


The first 20 years of SAENA